Dramaquill's All Things Writing

January 16, 2011

Promote your book on to the Best Sellers List

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Every writer today knows that writing the book and getting it published is only half the battle.  Much of the marketing and promotion is also left up to the writer and with all the tools on the internet, you CAN get the word out and if you’re lucky, maybe even end up on the BEST SELLERS list.

I did just that with my suspense novel, “When Love Won’t Die”.

Some of the things that I did:

1.      Held a booksigning at a branch of my local library  
         (In the future I’ll post some great ideas on how to attract people to your booksigning)

2.      Created pages on social networks like Facebook

3.      Joined other sites like Twitter, Linkedin, and Jacketflap and get socializing with other
          writers, publishers, editors, agents etc.

4.      Used FREE press release sites to promote your book online

5.      Sent out press releases to all the media where you live (radio/newspaper/TV)

6.      Got reviews from those who have read it and have them posted online
          (I’ve got some at Amazon.com and Facebook already and also from a couple of
            book reviewers)

7.      Created a website

8.      Made postcards of the book’s cover and on the back put the following info:
          *    name
          *    website/book’s website
          *    where to purchase
          *    an enticing excerpt

9.      Got interviewed in a local arts magazine
          (You can also try getting press with local papers, TV and radio stations, plus online
           ezines and blogs)

10.     Joined online writers’ groups where to mingle, learn and promote

Keep promoting whenever you see an opportunity to network, but also, don’t forget to reciprocate by reading other writers’  books and offering reviews/comments on their blogs and sites.

Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com.